
Sunday, 13 December 2009

Human extinction

Stupidity, arrogance and emotion must be the biggest enemies of humankind, which may lead its own extinction.

More and more powerful weapons are being used in warfare to cause maximum destruction – crumbling houses, killing enemies, polluting water supplies, damaging utilities, etc. These stupid people can create much more damage in an instance than the “climate change”.

After every natural disaster, be it volcanic eruption, tsunami, earth quake, flood, or bush fire, there are always new ways proposed to overcome future occurrence. A risk management student can tell us that we can deal with a risk by avoiding, neutralising, or facing it head-on. Unfortunately, the full destructive force of nature is far more powerful than human’s strengths, technology or inventions. Avoidance seems to be a better approach in handling natural destructive forces.

Many natural disaster victims are blinded by their arrogance and emotions, and rebuild knowingly their homes and lives in the same spot where last incident took place. These misgiving factors console and convince humans that they can do better next time or stop history from repeating, after the previous painful experiences.

Live wisely, you have only one life!

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Advise other people's children as you would with your own

I've written on my Facebook wall about how happy I was being able to communicate with my nephews and nieces using the technology. I hope readers don’t mind my sharing my excitement with you what have taken place lately.

Incident 1 - email from my niece received on 25/11/2009
I still remember what you said to xxxx (sister's name given) and I when you taught us how to write our names in Chinese. Regardless whether you know Mandarin or not, you MUST know how to write your name in Chinese! See, your advice is etched in my mind after all these years. And I’ve passed on this advice to my girls. Am proud to say that even xxxxxxxx (daughter's name given) knows how to write her name in Chinese!

When did this happen and why?
It was over 30 years ago while my nieces were little angels. Why did I insist? Name is given normally at the beginning of one's life. It is not just words - it represents one's identity, hopefully for the rest of one's life. Since it is given from the start, it is the “Origin”. Given a "Chinese" name written in other language is not a real name in the eyes of a purist. Why do so many people still try to trace their roots, archaeologists dig to find remain of the past, the Big Bang theory, and so on? In short, it is all about the origin. Obviously, if one is given a Greek name at birth, the same rationale will apply.

Incident 2 – email received from my nephew on 4/12/2009
I really appreciate those conversations I had with you and the advice you shared with me during my stay in Melbourne. I think that really leads me to try out different areas that interest me and real estate is one of it.

When did this happen and why?
About 10 years ago, I took my nephew home over a cup of coffee, just after he had completed his study in Monash University and was ready to return to Malaysia. I always tell my audience that I wished there was an older and wiser “Sin Fong” around to advise me about life and livelihood when I was young and needed direction. There are many books around teaching one how to be successful, in dollars and cents, but not about “sense”. Very often, young people turn to their busy parents, who don’t even know how to handle themselves because they have no time for their children but have plenty for their boss and friends. These young people may try religion, but then they are not ready for it - and very often the concepts are not “relevant” to their situation. They can turn to their friends, but they are just as inexperience. Other option is to turn to seminars run by some Gurus, who never reveal how they become rich and famous by charging the bunnies mega bucks.

Don’t be afraid to advise other people’s children. However, you have to be prepared for the negative consequences – lose your relatives / friends, or sack from your “teaching” position. On the positive side, you will receive great news from these former “children”.

Friday, 4 December 2009

My beliefs

I am not a Christian, a Buddhist or a Muslim
I am just a multi-discipline student
I talk, but not preach
I have never attended a Bible Study, but enjoyed Christmas celebration.

In the late 70s and early 80s, I watched Rex Humbard and Robert Schuller on TV each week
Now, occasionally, I watch, or rather "listen" to late night (or early morning, say 3 am) TV sermons given by US pastors
I read books by Herbert Armstrong, Robert Schuller, Joyce Myer, Billy Graeme; Watch Towers from Jehova Witnesses
I listen to many Gospel songs, and watch many slide presentations. I have vinyl records of Rex Humbard's family, and slides on my computers and USB

I understand now why I prayed to Guangong before I sat for my Cambridge exam
I still kneel before the ancestral plaques, and statues
I burn joss sticks, and give offering in temples
I still love to tell stories about the various "gods" and their significance

I just scratch the surface about Buddhism's the Four Noble Truths
I watch program / video of seminars given by Buddhist monks, and Gurus
I have hypothesis about reincarnation
I know I can be a Buddha, too

I can explain why some churches do better than the others
I can see why Christianity grows at such great pace in Korea
I can also see why some Westerners yearn for Buddhism teaching
I can see how wrong people are to think that Muslim women lack status in Islam

I take on the best of all these teachings, and make myself a better member of this planet
I go to churches, Buddhist temples, Hindu temples without any concern of religious conflict within
I can debate on Creationism, Big Bang Theory, Darwinian Evolution
I have reservation about Dalai Lama's actions, and Fa Lun Gong's demonstartions

I treasure my time on this planet, the past and the present
I am not concerned about after life, for I don't have any clue about what's going to happen in the next second
I believe in making this a better world now
I can still go on, and on, and on

When the day comes, I won't be saying "I wish I have done that!"