More and more powerful weapons are being used in warfare to cause maximum destruction – crumbling houses, killing enemies, polluting water supplies, damaging utilities, etc. These stupid people can create much more damage in an instance than the “climate change”.
After every natural disaster, be it volcanic eruption, tsunami, earth quake, flood, or bush fire, there are always new ways proposed to overcome future occurrence. A risk management student can tell us that we can deal with a risk by avoiding, neutralising, or facing it head-on. Unfortunately, the full destructive force of nature is far more powerful than human’s strengths, technology or inventions. Avoidance seems to be a better approach in handling natural destructive forces.
Many natural disaster victims are blinded by their arrogance and emotions, and rebuild knowingly their homes and lives in the same spot where last incident took place. These misgiving factors console and convince humans that they can do better next time or stop history from repeating, after the previous painful experiences.
Live wisely, you have only one life!