
Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Bob Katter's gay brother speaks out

Posted to Herald Sun (24/8/2011) on 24/8/2011 at 4:26 AM (Not published by Newspaper)
Commenting on "Bob Katter's gay brother speaks out"


Posted to Herald Sun (24/8/2011) on 24/8/2011 at 6:58 PM
Commenting on "Gay marriage about the 'powerful force' of love says Greens MP"


It is not a matter of redefining the word marriage, or anyone being out of touch with the millions of Australians or people all over the world, it is a matter whether human beings should change their mindset and accept robotic and laboratory-produce offspring.

I am not a believer of creationism, but I believe that the existence of men and women on this planet is to enable the human species to propagate. So many people worry about global warming, rise in sea levels, big tsunamis, monstrous earthquake and all sort of disasters; not that they are concerned about the planet Earth being destroyed but more so about the extinction of human race. If so, doesn't same sex marriage fall into the same catastrophic category of disaster that can cause human annihilation?

Somehow a line must be drawn on the sand where complex relationship ceases to go beyond and morality cuts in, no matter how much and deep the love is.

Many people jump onto the band wagon about human rights. "Children" of same sex couples have their human rights stripped off from the day the female eggs being fertilised by a sperm each. Shouldn't a child have the right to have a legally recognised male father and female mother?

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Teenagers too tired to learn as schools plan a radical shake-up of timetables

Posted to Herald Sun (20/8/2011) on 20/8/2011 at 2:17 AM
Commenting on "Teenagers too tired to learn as schools plan a radical shake-up of timetables"


Please bring back compulsary national service and military training so that these so called teenagers can learn some disicipline. The teenagers' world is turning topsy-turvy, getting from stupid to sublime. Australians are fast becoming jelly fish, boneless and gutless. If these young people do not understand what discipline in life now, how can we expect them to run the country in the future, not that our PM and her mobs are any better.

We are not alone in this world, and if we keep slacking, we will be falling behind the rest of the world, and even the God who saves the Queen can't do anything to save us.

Are we going to relax the drug laws because they want to try hard drugs? Are we going to lower the age of consent because they want to be irresponsible parents at very young age? Are we going to increase the speed limit so that more hoons can kill themselves and other innocent road users?

If the schools start late, do you expect the teachers to watch their toe nails grow before 11 am? Teachers have families to go back to, and they need a life, too. If young people have short attention span, do something to improve it, not by kow-towing to these no hopers. Wake up Australia!