
Monday, 31 October 2011

Who are Australian soldiers dying for?

Posted to Herald Sun (31/10/2011) on 31/10/2011 at 3:06 AM
Commenting on "Who are Australian soldiers dying for?"


"We are in Afghanistan to rid them of the Taliban” – how, to capture them and brainwash them in captivity or kill them? If it is alright to kill them, then why can't they exercise “their right” to kill the intruders or foreign soldiers, no matter what their intension is?

In the Western's eyes, democracy is the go and they want to "introduce locals to the idea of democracy." Do Afghanis and Taliban want or choose democracy? China chooses Communism instead of Democracy. Is Communism far less superior to Democracy, and who is the judge? Is instilling the idea of democracy a form of indoctrination? If so, this is very wrong; because believers of democracy suppose to understand human rights.

End Part 1 of 2

Posted to Herald Sun (31/10/2011) on 31/10/2011 at 3:10 AM

Are the Western countries including Australia too hasty and impulsive to change Afghanistan? It took decades to change British Australia to become Australia the nation with the Queen of England as the constitutional monarch, and another few more to get rid of the post war White Australian policies. Australia then tossed between Socialistic Labor and Capitalistic Coalition, and now the direction Australia takes is in the hands of a few independents. Australians are still unsure of turning this country into a republic.

Democracy can be a pain in the rear – multiculturalism is divisive to say the least. Soon, in the name of multiculturalism, a Tower of Babel will be founded. Conflicts emerge as differences in religious beliefs, cultural practices, social behaviour, power struggle, etc divide Australia into "tribes"; no difference from Afghanistan.

US and its allies are not gods, and should not play gods. They must not "modify" other nations to their own image. If the do-gooders go to Afghanistan with the intention to kill the Taliban or terrorists, they will return fire because as far as they are concerned, the foreigners are the enemies.

End of Part of 2

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Older mums are selfish and self-centred

Posted to Adelaide Now (4/10/2011) to 4/10/2011 at 1:39 PM
Commenting on “Older mums are 'selfish and self-centred'”


Many middle-age and younger people today have too much expectation and insufficient sacrifice. They started off with expensive wedding celebration, honeymoon follow by carefree life-style - dining out, expensive alcohol, merry-making parties, more than budget-permit rental apartments, branded goods, multiple home-entertaining systems, etc. They want a career, new car, credit card, holidays and new home! They spoilt their health, not because of genetic reason, but due to their indifferent attitude towards what real life is about.

Life is about sharing and compromise. Me-ism preachers have been giving the wrong messages, and forgetting the duty and responsibility as humans on this planet are not just to live for themselves but also leave behind offspring to ensure a continual existence of human race - healthy humans to be precise.

How are the kids with older parents going to tell their friends - parents or grandparents? Will this damage their mental development? Generation gap, I argue very often is created by older generation. Another 10 or more years’ gap can mean greater difficulty in relating to them and guide them. There are always exceptions to the rules – good luck!

Monday, 3 October 2011

AFL defends Meat Loaf

Posted to The Age (3/10/2011) on 3/10/2011 at 12:03 PM
Commenting on “Blame weather, not Meat Loaf: AFL boss”


Posted to Herald Sun (3/10/2011) on 3/10/2011 at 12:24 PM, 3:14 PM
Commenting on “AFL defends Meat Loaf after widely criticised pre-game show”


When goods are not delivered in a condition expected within reason, the consumer has the right to return the item or ask for a refund. If Australia wants to be in the world's league, then Australia should behave like a world leader and neither accept second grade "things" dumped to this country nor pay performers not up to scratch! Andrew Demetriou, don't defend; be a man to stand up for your country and speak the truth that the performance was NOT good enough for the $500000 cheque. Alternatively, demand the performer to give a free live-telecast concert as a form of apology!

Posted to The Age (3/10/2011) on 3/10/2011 at 12:20 PM
Posted to Herald Sun (3/10/2011) on 3/10/2011 at 12:26 PM, 3:15 PM

Andrew Demetriou should hand in his resignation. If he can't distinguish between good and poor performance - even the public has delivered a verdict, how can he distinguish what's good or bad for AFL?