
Friday, 18 November 2011


Posted to Facebook on 18/11/2011
Title: Stress

Stress is self-induced. When faced with a difficult situation, do you think stress is going to make the situation better? I stress, as a natural biological response but only for very short time, because I know consciously stress does not make any difference whatsoever to get over any hurdle. Next time when stress knocks on your door, open the door and let it in. Why? When you open the door, fresh air comes in, and that will enable you to clear your mind.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Navy Seals reveal truth about raid against Osama Bin Laden

Posted to Perth Now (6/11/2011) on 8/11/2011 at 4:33 AM
Commenting on "Navy Seals reveal truth about raid against Osama Bin Laden"


Is this an act of an eye for an eye? So what's going to happen to the US Navy Seals who killed Bin Laden? When is the killing cycle going to end? Is the world going to be a better and safer place after the three "evils" are killed (I intentionally not to use the word gone)? As long as hatred and suspicion continue to propagate, the human world is no different from the one roamed by animals which kill their prey by instinct.