
Tuesday 29 September 2020

A message to my grand nephews feeling a bit down during the lockdown

A message to my grand nephews feeling a bit down during the lockdown

When I was young, I never knew my uncles, let alone grand uncles. The society was different then. It is indeed very regrettable. I am not going to let this happen to you, and your brother.

My life experience can be of great value to you. I never had the right Mr Chan, or older / wiser person to advise and guide me. I never had any financial support from anyone, too.

So be wise, study hard and get the best possible result. The degree is yours to keep. It does not belong to anyone, not me, and not your parents.

Your success is an obligation to those who support you financially and morally. As I have said to you, motivation comes from within. You are the decider and master of your own destiny.

I went through more difficult time than both of you, and yet I survived. Lockdown is only a restriction of movement. Having to work to keep myself fed, paid for daily expenses and education was no easy task.

Keep you chin up, strive to excel.

I am just a phone call away if you need to talk.

Thank you for reading.